We're Launching Soon: The RFP Revolution is Coming

The Zephior Team


Sep 12, 2024

It's finally happening. After months of late nights, countless coffee runs, and more spreadsheets than I care to admit, we're gearing up to launch Zephior. And let me tell you, it's been one hell of a ride.

When I started this journey, I had a simple goal: make RFPs suck less. Sounds easy, right? Ha! If you've ever been in the deep ends of proposal management, you know it's anything but easy. We've talked to many frustrated professionals, dug deep into the pain points, and honestly, at times, wondered if we were crazy for taking this on.

But here we are, on the cusp of something big. Zephior isn't just another tool to add to your tech stack. It's a complete reimagining of how RFPs should work in 2024 and beyond.

What to Expect

  1. AI that Actually Helps: Our system learns from your best responses, adapts to your company's voice, and generates content that doesn't sound like it was written by a robot having an existential crisis.

  2. A Single Source of Truth: No more digging through shared drives or bothering your colleague from accounting for that one spreadsheet from 2018. Everything you need, right where you need it.

  3. Seamless Collaboration: We've streamlined the review process so much, you might actually start to enjoy working with your team. (Okay, let's not get crazy, but it'll be a lot less painful.)

  4. Peace-of-Mind Security: We've gone overboard on security so you can focus on winning bids, not worrying about data breaches. Go visit our dedicated trust center.

The Road Ahead

Launching a product is just the beginning. We know there will be bumps along the way, features we'll need to tweak, and probably a few "oh crap" moments. But that's part of the journey, and we're ready for it.

What we're most excited about is seeing Zephior in action. We've tested, refined, and obsessed over every single detail, but the real magic happens when it's in your hands, solving real problems and (hopefully) making your work life a little bit better, a little bit more productive.

To those who've been with us from the start – the feedback givers, the mentors, the cheerleaders – thank you. Your insights and enthusiasm have been the fuel keeping us going.

And to those just learning about us: welcome to the revolution. RFPs are about to get a whole lot less painful.

Stay tuned for our official launch date. It's coming soon, and we can't wait to show you what we've built.

In the meantime, if you want to be first in line when we go live, drop your email below. No spam, just a heads-up when it's time to change the way you do RFPs forever.


Tony & the Zephior Team

P.S. If you see us looking a bit bleary-eyed in the coming weeks, don't worry. It's just the final push. We promise we're sleeping... occasionally.

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