12 RFP Headaches That Keep B2B Execs Up at Night

Tony Kim


May 12, 2024

Let's face it - RFPs are the necessary evil of the B2B world, especially in industries like FinTech, insurance, and healthcare. They're our ticket to big contracts, but man, do they cause problems. I've been in the deep ends of RFPs, and let me tell you, these 12 issues hit close to home.

  1. The Time Sink: 30 hours per RFP? Been there, done that. When you're cranking out hundreds of these a year, that's basically 5 full-time employees just writing proposals. In fast-moving tech, that's an eternity.

  2. The Team Bloat: 13 full-time proposal writers? That's over $1.4 million in salaries alone. Ouch. And these aren't just any employees - these are often your top experts who could be innovating instead of formatting documents.

  3. Copy-Paste Hell: We've all been there - frantically searching old proposals for that perfect paragraph at 2 AM. With 300 questions to answer, it's mind-numbing work that screams for automation.

  4. The Content Maze: Finding up-to-date info shouldn't be this hard. But 39% of us are pulling our hair out trying to get accurate answers. In healthcare or FinTech, using old info isn't just annoying - it's dangerous.

  5. One-Trick Pony Tools: Most RFP software feels like it was designed in the 90s. Try explaining complex security protocols or compliance measures with a tool that can barely handle basic Q&As.

  6. Winning? More Like Losing: A 45% win rate sounds okay until you realize you're losing more than half your bids. That's a lot of wasted nights and weekends.

  7. Shooting in the Dark: We're often so desperate for business that we'll chase any RFP that moves. Without a solid vetting process, we're wasting time on deals we'll never win.

  8. The Burnout Is Real: 29% of teams report burnout. No surprise when you're under constant deadline pressure and dealing with the same questions for the millionth time.

  9. The Million-Dollar Paperweight: 1.27M CHF a year on RFP processes? That's not just salaries - it's the cost of lost opportunities and wasted expertise.

  10. Security Nightmares: With data breaches costing $4.35 million on average, using outdated or insecure RFP platforms is like playing with fire, especially in regulated industries.

  11. Square Peg, Round Hole: Generic RFP tools just don't cut it for specialized industries. Try explaining HIPAA compliance or complex financial products with software designed for selling office supplies.

  12. The One-Size-Fits-None Problem: When your RFP tool is so rigid that you're changing your business to fit the software, something's seriously wrong.

Look, it's not all doom and gloom. These problems are screaming for innovation. We need smart automation, better content management, and tools that actually understand our industries.

The companies that crack this code aren't just going to save time and money - they're going to win more deals and leave their competitors in the dust. It's time we turned RFPs from a necessary evil into a secret weapon.


Tony Kim

Source: https://loopio.com/trends-report/

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